- pure virtual function
- чистая виртуальная функцияВиртуальная функция, которая объявлена в базовом классе, но еще нигде не определена.См. abstract class.
English-Russian glossary of C + +. 2014.
English-Russian glossary of C + +. 2014.
Virtual function — In object oriented programming, a virtual function or virtual method is one whose behavior is defined within an inheriting class by a function with the same signature. This concept is a very important part of the polymorphism portion of object… … Wikipedia
Virtual II — Virtual ] [ (pronounced virtual two ), is a software application that emulates the Apple II series of computers on an Apple Macintosh computer running Mac OS X. The emulator supports these 8 bit Apple II machines: * [Apple II series#Apple… … Wikipedia
Function pointer — A function pointer is a type of pointer in C, C++, D, and other C like programming languages, and Fortran 2003.[1] When dereferenced, a function pointer can be used to invoke a function and pass it arguments just like a normal function. In… … Wikipedia
Multi-function structure — Multi function material is a composite material. The traditional approach to the development of structures is to address the loadcarrying function and other functional requirements separately. Recently, however, there has been increased interest… … Wikipedia
C++ — The C++ Programming Language, written by its architect, is the seminal book on the language. Paradigm(s) Multi paradigm:[1] procedural … Wikipedia
List of object-oriented programming terms — Those words found in object oriented programming. Some are related to OOP and some not. A * Abstract class (also called deferred class) * Abstract method * Abstraction (computer science) * Access control * Accessor method * Allocated class *… … Wikipedia
Class (computer science) — In object oriented programming, a class is a programming language construct that is used as a blueprint to create objects. This blueprint includes attributes and methods that the created objects all share.More technically, a class is a cohesive… … Wikipedia
Class (computer programming) — In object oriented programming, a class is a construct that is used as a blueprint to create instances of itself – referred to as class instances, class objects, instance objects or simply objects. A class defines constituent members which enable … Wikipedia
Curiously recurring template pattern — The curiously recurring template pattern (CRTP) is a C++ idiom in which a class X derives from a class template instantiation using X itself as template argument. The name of this idiom was coined by Jim Coplien,[1] who had observed it in some of … Wikipedia
Comparison of Java and C++ — Programming language comparisons General comparison Basic syntax Basic instructions Arrays Associative arrays String operations … Wikipedia
Виртуальный метод — (виртуальная функция) в объектно ориентированном программировании метод (функция) класса, который может быть переопределён в классах наследниках так, что конкретная реализация метода для вызова будет определяться во время исполнения. Таким… … Википедия